How to write an EPANET plugin

Each plugin should be placed in its own directory which is the plugin’s name. For example Summary. In the directory, the plugin file is

To begin with, the variable plugin_name must be initialized with the plugin’s name. The plugin_create_menu variable will determine if the plugin will display a menu or not. In this case, the plugin’s name is “Summary” and it will show a menu.

plugin_name = "Summary"
plugin_create_menu = True

Next, the menu items are set using the variable __all__. It holds the menu items text and a code which will be returned when the menu item is clicked.

__all__ = {"Title":1, "Nodes":2, "Links":3}
from PyQt4.QtGui import QMessageBox

def run(session=None, choice=None):
    ltopTitle = 'Plugin:Summary'
    explain_text = "This is a sample plug-in illustrating how a single plug-in can add a menu with several functions." \
                   + "\n\nResult: "
    if choice is None:
        choice = 99
    if choice == 1:
        if session and session.project:
            summary = session.project.title.title
            summary = "Project is not open"
        QMessageBox.information(None, ltopTitle, explain_text + '\n' + summary, QMessageBox.Ok)
    elif choice == 2:
        QMessageBox.information(None, ltopTitle,  explain_text + '\n' + "summarizeNodes", QMessageBox.Ok)
    elif choice == 3:
        QMessageBox.information(None, ltopTitle,  explain_text + '\n' + "summarizeConduits", QMessageBox.Ok)
    elif choice == 99:
        QMessageBox.information(None, ltopTitle,  explain_text + '\n' + "Top level summary is done.", QMessageBox.Ok)