Welcome to the EPANET and SWMM plugins and scripts repository.

This is a mockup site for the demo I (Elad Salomons) gave about EPANET plugins at the CCWI\WDSA 2018 conference in Kingston Canada on July 23rd 2018. Some screenshots from that demo could be found on SlideShare here. The source code for the demo FireFlow Plugin is available on my GitHub account.

If you have any questions please contact me at: selad [at] optiwater.com

Common data exchange exportExport network data in different formats
Demand patterns importImport demand patterns
Controls and Rules editorEditor for Simple Controls and Rules. Replaces the simple text …
Pipe isolation pluginFind which valves needs to be shut to isolate a …
EPANET flushDesign flushing plans
Scenarios pluginRun multiple scenarios
3D graphicsCreate 3D graphs
On-line modelingPerform real-time modeling
EPANET to GISExport EPANEt model to GIS
AutoCAD integrationEPANET AutoCAD integration
Transient analysisTransient analysis in water distribution networks
Pressure driven demandRun a pressure driven analysis
SCADA connection pluginImport data from SCADA systems
Network anonymizerAnonymize any network by changing coordinates and elements names
Import elevationsScript to import nodes elevations from Google Maps.
TracerTrace water quality values from different sources
FireFlow analysisPerform FireFlow analysis…
Pumps catalogSelect pumps curves from catalogs
Network joinerJoin two EPANET networks
Calibration moduleCalibrate a network using Genetic Algorithms
Network tools 101Move, rotate, mirror etc.
Network skeletonizationNetwork skeletonization plugin
WQ Sensor placementWater quality sensor placement using TEVA-SPOT like algorithm